Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dance this summer for fun, fitness and friends!

The Dancetime Center is the best studio in San Diego for social dancing! Our focus is on all the American style social and nightclub dances. We are specialists in a new innovative teaching method created by Pattie Wells, Core Elements Training (CET). It is a conceptual learning method that has replaced rote pattern memorization methods of the past.

New Intro and 101 dance classes start the week of June 6th. Most newcomers begin in either Ballroom & Latin, Jitterbug & Swing or Salsa & Merengue. We also offer more specialized dances including Argentine tango and West Coast swing dance classes. All our Intro & 101 classes are repeatable for one year when offered. Discounts are available for two or more courses taken and 1/2 price for full-time students. We offer 4 nights weekly of practice dance parties for our students to practice their dancing!

Referral Program: If you are already enrolled in our classes you can earn FREE lessons by giving your friends, family and co-workers our Referral Cards, so they can enroll in a dance course for 50% OFF and you earn some Free lessons too. Check out our referral program at:

Summer is the perfect time to learn to dance for fun, fitness and to make new friends. We welcome you to stop by anytime and watch our dance classes!

Friday, May 20, 2011


The Dancetime Center studio in San Diego is excited to announce our FREE Bachata dance workshop Saturday, May 28th from 7-8 PM with professional dance instructor, Brandon Detty. We will start with the basics and then include some very cool variations. The fabulous Bachata dance is sweeping throughout the U.S. in Salsa dance clubs! The Bachata is a fantastic dance genre that started in the 1950’s in the Dominican Republic. The music is a lively, euphoric Caribbean style music that is played in nightclubs along with salsas and meringues. The Bachata is fun and easy to learn since it is basically a three step dance with a hold on count 4. The dance uses a relaxed frame, bending of the knees and a hip bump can be used on count four. We're crazy about Bachata at the Dancetime studio and offer Bachata classes fairly often. We look forward to seeing you at our FREE Bachata workshop! Check out more info on Bachata Dancing.

Friday, May 13, 2011

West Coast Swing dancing May 11th!

Our SAN DIEGO WESTIE West Coast swing party on Wednesday, May 11th packed the Club Room floor with more than 40 dancers in attendance. David Nguyen played some awesome West Coast swing music and threw open the dowstairs doors plus he added some great colored lighting. Some of our swing staff was there including David Nguyen and Brandon Detty plus many of our swing dancing friends including Cindy Hsu, Harvey Clark, Patrick Dickerson and Yvonne Dodson. David spun some awesome WCS music. The Club Room was rockin'. It was great to have so many Westies come out to dance after dancing so much the previous weekend at SwingDiego! We're going to do it again this Saturday, May 14th at 8 PM!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Dancetime's West Coast swing dance party on Wednesday, May 11th was rockin' down the house. David Nguyen deejayed and taught a lesson at our May 11th dance party. I walked into a packed house with over 40 people swingin' the night away. Some of our West Coast swing staff including David Nguyen, Brandon Detty and myself, as well as a group of our swing dance students, college students and plenty of the West Coast swing community of dancers were there like Erica Ellis, Yvonne Dodson, Patrick Dickerson, Cindy Hsu and others. David opened up all the doors so there was a cool wind and the music was just loud enough but you could still talk to someone in a normal voice! There was a great mix of music with both retro and contemporary tunes. Thanks for putting on a great party David! Let's do it again this Saturday. --- Pattie

Monday, May 2, 2011


Thanks to all the wonderful ballroom dancers that attended AN EVENING IN VIENNA! Eveyone dressed-to-impress in their spring evening semi-formal or dressy attire with flowing lots of long skirts and even a few men tuxes and tails! Our playlist included smooth ballroom music including silky foxtrots by Andy Williams, Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble, flowing waltzes, big band tunes for swing/jitterbug, sensual rumbas, tangos by the awesome Gotan Tango Project and a our favorite Strauss Viennese waltzes. Thanks to our colleagues Sharon Emerson's and Dan Gibbons' dance exhibitions, the Tango team and a stunning International waltz performed by Dan and his pro/am partner, Julia Pucca! Thanks as well, to all the people who helped out including Lucky Pahl, Brandon Detty, David Nguyen and our greeters Ron Tong and Maria Li Mandri. It was a magical evening. I definitely want to do this again soon. --- Pattie